It can be said that the Lizard 2 consists of several integrated modules into one. It features a high-performance hybrid VCO with multiple operating modes.
It can be said that the Lizard 2 consists of several integrated modules into one. It features a high-performance hybrid VCO with multiple operating modes.
The heart of the VCO is a hybrid SAW core, running at a sampling rate of 1.5MHz! More than 30 times the frequency of current market synthesizers.The sweep oscillator is a hybrid of high performance and stability, ie, analog / digital.
He commands an analog switcher that "choose" what sign will appear in OUT1 & 2 outputs.
He has several modes / operation settings. The first setting determines the number of STEPS (selections), which can be 4 or 8.
The second setting determines what form of scan to be selected: A = upwards and B = up / down.
In OUT2 output can "draw" the waveform of the VCO through the LEVEL controls 1 to 8. This form will have 4 or 8 segments depending on the configuration of STEPS. Depending on the shape drawn, the harmonic distribution varies radically, allowing literally infinite number of sounds. The waveforms were created below 8 STEPS.
In OUT1 output, each Wave Input becomes "sampled" in real time on their respective STEP, creating a "morphing wave" extremely rich, whose cycle is the result of setting frequencies and symmetries of LFO's, that can last hours to return to the same way!
If set to 8 steps, all Wave Inputs will be "sampled", and in 4 steps, only the first four will be sampled.
If set to 8 steps, all Wave Inputs will be "sampled", and in 4 steps, only the first four will be sampled.
SEQ / VCO key changes the frequency range of the main VCO, allowing use as VCO (5Hz to 10kHz) or as an analog sequencer 4/8 steps (20 seconds to 120Hz). Considering the OUT2 output, the CV's of each step will be programmed by LEVEL pots, using as a visual example waveforms "stepped" above. Considering the OUT1 output, the signal from each Wave Input will be present at the exit to each step. See photo below:
SEQ / VCO key changes the frequency range of the main VCO, allowing use as VCO (5Hz to 10kHz) or as an analog sequencer 4/8 steps (20 seconds to 120Hz). Considering the OUT2 output, the CV's of each step will be programmed by LEVEL pots, using as a visual example waveforms "stepped" above. Considering the OUT1 output, the signal from each Wave Input will be present at the exit to each step. See photo below:
Considering the OUT1 output, if the lizard2 is in VCO mode and into each Wave input an external VCO (eg Aether Oscillators) sound possibility becomes infinite.
If in the SEQ mode, you can "switch" 4/8 external sequencers.
The controls of this VCO are:
- FREQ – Frequency adjustment
- Fine – Frequency fine tuning
- FM WIDTH – Depth of operation of FM input (Frequence Modulation)
- FM - modulation frequency (1V / Octave)
- CV - Standard Frequency control 1V / Octave (0 ~ 10Volts)
- HSYNC - Hardsync
- Wave 1 to 8 - Signal inputs
- OUT1 & 2 - Outputs the analog selector signals
- SQUARE - Square output in the VCO frequency when VCO Mode and one pulse per step when in SEQ Mode.
Module consumption: 80mA @ + 12Volts / 30mA @ -12Volts
Dimensions: Eurorack 20 HP (128,5mm x 101mm)
2 Aether Oscillators entering Wave1 and Wave3 lizard2 inputs (mode VCO / steps 4) and passing through a 24dB Lowpass VCF controlled by a DualADSR
If in the SEQ mode, you can "switch" 4/8 external sequencers.
The controls of this VCO are:
- FREQ – Frequency adjustment
- Fine – Frequency fine tuning
- FM WIDTH – Depth of operation of FM input (Frequence Modulation)
- FM - modulation frequency (1V / Octave)
- CV - Standard Frequency control 1V / Octave (0 ~ 10Volts)
- HSYNC - Hardsync
- Wave 1 to 8 - Signal inputs
- OUT1 & 2 - Outputs the analog selector signals
- SQUARE - Square output in the VCO frequency when VCO Mode and one pulse per step when in SEQ Mode.
Module consumption: 80mA @ + 12Volts / 30mA @ -12Volts
Dimensions: Eurorack 20 HP (128,5mm x 101mm)
2 Aether Oscillators entering Wave1 and Wave3 lizard2 inputs (mode VCO / steps 4) and passing through a 24dB Lowpass VCF controlled by a DualADSR